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The Importance of the Weekend for Rest and Refreshment
The concept of the weekend or holiday arose with the observation of Sabbath by Christians, who regard it as God's Day. The idea has been adopted by all nations and countries, except for Islamic countries where Friday is considered the weekend instead of Sunday. Schools and other institutions generally observe Sunday as a holiday.

The debate over whether schools should work on Sunday is a matter of opinion. Some parents may argue in favor of school on Sunday as their children can make life a hell at home, causing noise and mischief, making it difficult for parents to concentrate on their work. However, since education is a continuous process, there need not be a Sunday break. Just as our organs work continuously, the process of education should also be continuous. The break upsets the course, and very often no useful work is done on Sundays, leading to a feeling of Monday blues.

On the other hand, many argue that the weekend is essential because people need rest after an arduous and taxing week. The rest will refresh them, and some freedom from the frame of time tables and discipline is desirable for young minds. Teachers also need the weekend off to do serious preparation for the coming week and attend to their personal needs.

The weekend also provides an opportunity for parents to spend time with their children. They can review the child's books and notebooks, or help them with their holiday homework. Additionally, many families use the weekend for household chores and errands, such as weekend washing or visiting friends and family.

In conclusion, while some may argue in favor of schools working on Sundays, the majority of people view the weekend as a necessity for rest, refreshment, and quality time with family and friends. The weekend provides a break from the rigors of school and work and allows individuals to engage in leisure activities that help recharge their batteries for the upcoming week.

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Lower secondary English essays 1

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