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Reflecting on the Past: Nostalgia or Reality?
As time passes, it's not uncommon to hear people reminiscing about the past and suggesting that things were better back then. But is it really true, or is it just a case of selective memory and nostalgia? When I was younger, my mother often spoke of the "good old days," and now that I'm an adult, I find myself doing the same. However, upon reflection, I can see that there were indeed some aspects of the past that were preferable to the present.

One such example is the way we used to make phone calls. In the past, we had to use phone booths, which were cheap for local calls but more expensive for long distance. Although it was inconvenient, it forced us to be more mindful of our phone usage, ultimately saving us money. Nowadays, with home and mobile phones, we make calls more frequently, but at a higher cost.

Similarly, our relationship with food has changed. Meat used to be reserved for special occasions or family gatherings, whereas now we have it whenever and however we want. While the availability of different cuisines is a positive, it's come at the cost of working longer and harder to afford our luxuries.

Weddings have also evolved, with modern couples relying on wedding planners and hosting extravagant events in luxurious hotels. In the past, weddings were simpler, with family members coming together to help decorate and share clothes and jewelry. While it may not have been as lavish, the joy and spontaneity of those occasions made them special.

In the realm of education, discipline and accountability have shifted. In the past, teachers and parents would work together to discipline students who misbehaved. Today, overprotective parents often discipline teachers, and students are more likely to challenge authority. The criteria for academic success has also changed, with top grades no longer seen as a sign of moral and spiritual superiority.

In conclusion, it's not simply nostalgia that leads us to believe that the past was better in some respects. There were certainly some aspects of the old ways that we should hold onto, while still embracing the positive changes of modern times.

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Lower secondary English essays 1

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