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The Power of Cooperation in a Competitive World
In the vast realm of society, intense competitions and struggles are ever-present, not merely for spectacle, but as essential forces driving social progress. However, if, in the pursuit of personal goals, one resorts to harming others by any means, it greatly betrays the true purpose of competition. Competition thrives on the principle of mutual improvement, so we must unite and help one another, promoting cooperation to not only achieve personal objectives but also contribute significantly to society.

Cooperation, a familiar term, carries different interpretations for different individuals. Scientists define it as the process where several substances come together under specific conditions to create something new. The dictionary explains it as working together to achieve common goals, collaborating and supporting each other in accomplishing tasks.

Throughout history, both at home and abroad, every successful individual in their field exemplifies proficiency in cooperation. Take the field of computers, for instance. The majority of exceptional software is a result of collective creativity and contributions. The primary developers who create and contribute are often more than one person. Remarkable achievements in today's technological advancements are more likely to be accomplished by scientists adept at cooperation. One example is a talented young person with efficient and reliable work habits, sincere and humble, bearing no grudges against colleagues, maintaining harmonious relationships with collaborators. Later, when he led software development at a company, he discovered errors in his subordinates' code and gently pointed them out, resulting in corrections. During software discussions, everyone shared their ideas, and he wisely selected the best ones, leading to the software gaining significant market recognition. This incident reflects the essence of cooperation: not only showcasing one's own talents but also enabling more capable individuals to fully express their abilities.

Speaking of cooperation leading to mutual success, a small story comes to mind: Two hungry individuals encountered a fisherman who gave one person a fish and the other a fishing rod. However, after a day, the person with the fish had consumed it all and eventually starved, while the other, weakened by hunger, lacked the strength to fish and also perished. In reality, they could have cooperated, enjoyed the fish together, and gone fishing side by side...

Being someone skilled in cooperation allows continuous enhancement of one's abilities amid competition. Let us all embrace mutual assistance and collaboration with our classmates, transforming our class into a vibrant community of shared victories and accomplishments.


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Lower secondary English essays 1

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