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Lower Secondary English essays


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Fond Memories of My Grandma and Her Love for Nature
My grandma was a remarkable woman who lived in a small farm 20 kilometers from our town. She grew vegetables and flowers for sale and reared fishes in a small pond for consumption. Her love for nature and her family left a lasting impact on my life.

I adored my grandma and felt a special kind of love for her whenever I looked at her. She was a superb grandmother who gave us pocket money and fresh fruits whenever we visited her. I spent every holiday with her, and she made sure I forgot all my worries and had fun.

Under her guidance, I learned to appreciate nature up close. She taught me to fish, identify bird calls, and animal and insect sounds. She showed me the intricacies and techniques of vegetable planting and floral cultivation. Grandma could even predict the weather just by smelling the air and looking at the clouds.

The best times I spent with her were when we sat on the beach to observe the sunrise and sunset. Watching the sun's splendor rise and fall, I realized how lucky I was to have such a lovely lady by my side.

My grandma was different from other grandmothers I had seen. For her age and generation, she was open-minded and listened to all her grandchildren, even when we grumbled about our parents. She was very supportive of whatever we wanted to do and encouraged us to believe in ourselves.

I remember the times we sat on the beach at midnight, waiting for the turtles to come up and lay their eggs. As the turtles shed tears during the egg-laying process, my grandma and I shed silent tears too. She felt sad when she thought about the fate of those young turtles after the eggs hatched.

One day, while we were playing in the sea, we found a young turtle that had gotten detached from its family. It had a small cut on one leg, and my grandma took it home to care for it. When the cut healed, she advised against keeping it as a pet and took it back to the beach to let it swim away. That day, I learned to appreciate the creatures of nature.

Sadly, my grandma's health deteriorated, and she passed away two months later. I will always cherish the memories I had with her and her love for nature. She was one of a kind, and I wouldn't trade those memories for all the money in the world.

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Lower secondary English essays 1

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