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It was already past midnight and I still could not sleep. While I was counting sheep, willing myself to sleep, I heard a strange wheezing sound. Even though the sound was faint, I could hear it clearly in the stillness of the night.

The noise seemed to be coming from downstairs. Arming myself with a hockey stick, I tiptoed quietly down the stairs. I saw no burglar but could still hear the strange sound. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw a movement in the corner of the living room.

"Who's that ?" I called out, trying to appear brave.

Something darted out from the shadows and disappeared behind the curtains. I had a glimpse of what looked like some kind of animal. Bracing myself for a sudden attack, I  used the crook of the hockey stick to draw the curtain. I trained the torchlight on what was a most peculiar-looking creature. It was small and brown, with large luminous green eyes. On its head were a pair of feelers and two huge floppy ears.

I stared at the creature in astonishment. It looked just as amazed to see me.

"What kind of an animal are you ?" I wondered as I looked at it. I was puzzled as to how the creature had entered the house.

"Bee ... bee ... bee," the strange creature said as though he was answering my thoughts.

The creature looked harmless so I decided to pick it up. It did not struggle when I held it. I quickly took it up to my room. Giving it a little pat after a minute's scrutiny, I put it on my study table. It scampered on all fours, sniffing at everything in sight. Then, to my great surprise, it munched a piece of paper and swallowed the contents of a bottle of ink. thinking that it must be hungry, I gave it a piece of chocolate. If sniffed at my offering suspiciously, wrinkled its nose in disgust and continued eating the paper.

For the next few days, Bee Bee, for that was the name I had given it, stayed with me in my room. I discovered that Bee Bee had the unique ability to make itself invisible as and when it liked. I felt certain that Bee Bee was a life form from outer space.

One night, Bee Bee was unusually quiet. It kept scanning the starry sky for something. Then it would look at me with such sad eyes that my heart went out to it. But I did not know what was troubling it. As I gazed at the sky, I saw a bright shiny light approaching my house. As the light grew brighter, I heard the same wheezing sound that I had heard on the day I first saw Be Bee.

Bee Bee looked at me and cried softly. I now understood that he had been trying to say goodbye. Bee Bee's friends had come for it and it had to leave me. I waved to Bee Bee as a laser beam transported it up to the spacecraft. Even though I still faithfully search the sky for that alien spacecraft, I have never seen it since.

From paragraph 1 :

Why could the sound still be hard even thought it was faint ?


From paragraph 2 :


(a) Why did the writer arm himself with a hockey stick ?

(b) What did the writer think had happened ?


From paragraph 4 :


(a) Describe the appearance of the strange creature.

(b) Which word in this paragraph has the same meaning as 'strange in appearance' ?


From paragraph 5 :


What did the writer wonder about ?


From paragraph 8 :


(a) What did the creature do when it was put on the study table ?

(b) Explain in your own words the meaning of 'scampered'.

(c) How did Bee Bee react when it was offered a piece of chocolate ?

(d) What does the phrase 'my offering' refer to ?


From paragraph 9 :


(a) Why do you suppose the writer named the creature Bee Bee ?

(b) What was the special ability Bee Bee had ?


From paragraph 10 :


(a) What had produced the wheezing sound ?

(b) Explain the phrase 'my heart went out to it'.

    From paragraph 11 :

(a) What happened to Bee Bee in the end ?

(b) How do you think was the manner in which the writer searched the sky in the phrase 'faithfully search the sky' ?

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The night was calm and quiet.


(a) He did that to protect himself.

(b) He thought that a burglar had broken into his home.


(a) The creature was small and brown with large luminous green eyes, huge floppy ears and had a pair of feelers on the top of its head.

(b) The word is 'peculiar-looking'.


He wondered about how the creature had entered his house.


(a) It scampered on all fours, sniffed at everything in sight, ate some paper and had a drink of ink.

(b) It means 'to run quickly and playfully'.

(c) Bee Bee wrinkled its nose in disgust.

(d) It refers to the piece of chocolate.


(a) He did so because of the sound it made.

(b) Bee Bee could make itself invisible as and when it liked.


(a) It was produced by the alien spacecraft.

(b) The writer feels compassion for Bee Bee.


(a) Bee Bee went off with its alien friends and was never seen again by the writer.

(b) He searched it conscientiously and without giving up.


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Comprehension 1


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