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My Doctor and I

Jan : Hi Sophie!

Sophie : Hi Jan! How have you been? Haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been doing? You do look a wee bit worried. What's the matter?

Jan : Nothing really. But ...I have been a little worried lately. It's my bad breath.

Sophie : Lots of people suffer from it. What are you worrying about?

Jan : Well ... for many, many years now, I have been suffering from bad breath. It's rather embarrassing, really. I am so conscious of it that I try not to speak sometimes. But then, it is impossible to remain mum all the time.

Sophie : Have you done anything about it so far?

Jan : Yes, I've been gargling my mouth with medicated gargles very frequently. .. every two hours, in fact. But this does not seem to help very much. You know, I've noticed that when I. get up in the mornings, my tongue has a white coating. On top of that, I have a lot of phlegm and it is often thick and yellow in colour.

Sophie : Do you have a sinus problem as well?

Jan : Yes. I'm told I have sinus congestion.

Sophie : Hmmm...Let me see ... mouth gargles offer only temporary relief. If you want a permanent cure, you need to get to the root of the problem. There are several reasons for bad breath which may include congestion of the sinus, indigestion and even decaying teeth.

Jan : I have always taken the trouble to have my teeth checked every six months and I've always received a clean bill of health from the dentist. No bad teeth.

Sophie : That's very good. But from what I've read so far, I know that symptoms such as indigestion, excessive gas and a white-coated tongue may indicate an abundance of candida.

Jan : Candida? What's that?

Sophie : It's a yeast-like fungus that inhabits the human colon. In a healthy person, the population of candida is kept under control by the human immune system as well as by friendly bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Jan : Lactobacilli sounds familiar. Isn't this the bacteria found in yoghurt?

Sophie : Yes, that's right. That's why it's good for you to eat lots of yoghurt. However, if the friendly bacteria is reduced, then there is a tendency for the candida to grow quickly and overpopulate, causing a lot of health problems.

Jan : Well, Doctor Sophie, you seem to know a lot.

Sophie : I should. I'm in my third year of medical school and I still have another three years to go. It's all part of what I'm learning.

Jan : Then you are qualified to advise me. What should I do next?

Sophie : You have to make sure that there is enough good bacteria in your gut. Eat lots of yoghurt or take some probiotics tablets.

Jan : All right.

Sophie : Another thing, avoid sugar. Refrain from consuming sweet drinks and cakes and other sweet foods. This is because sugar and carbohydrates act as food for candida. By avoiding sugar completely, you are actually starving the fungus. Slowly but surely you get rid of the candida.

Jan : What about my sinus problem?

Sophie : Simple! Do not eat bananas and oranges for eight weeks. In addition, do not eat more than two whole fruit per day. Also avoid taking milk. Do this for eight weeks and you'll find yourself feeling very much better. This is because these foods are known for their mucus-forming properties. So if you avoid these foods, there will be very much less mucus.

Jan : Thank you, Sophie. Your advice has really been helpful. As a reward, let me buy you a triple ice cream cone and I'll get myself a single scoop.

Sophie : Oh no! 


Sophie is a

    (A) doctor
    (B) nurse

medical student

    (D) teacher

Jan says that she tries to keep mum sometimes. What is the meaning of this ?

    (A) Jan tries to play mother sometimes.
    (B) Jan tries to talk less sometimes.

Jan tries not to talk sometimes.

    (D) Jan lets her mother stay with her sometimes.

According to Sophie, what is probably causing Jan's bad breath ?

    (A) Her sinus
    (B) The white-coating on her tongue

Candida in her gut

    (D) Her thick, yellow phlegm

To maintain a healthy gut system it is essential to


eat a lot of yoghurt

    (B) eat less bananas and oranges
    (C) avoid sugar completely
    (D) avoid drinking milk

How can Jan help herself in relation to her sinus problem ?

    (A) Eat less for eight weeks.
    (B) Avoid taking sugar completely.
    (C) Drink a little milk only.

Avoid mucus-forming foods completely.

  6. People suffering from candida infection must
    (A) avoid carbohydrates completely
    (B) avoid cakes completely

avoid sweet foods completely

    (D) avoid drinks completely
  7. At the end of the conversation, why does Sophie exclaim, "Oh no !" ?
    (A) Sophie bates ice cream.
    (B) Sophie wants Jan to also have a triple scoop ice cream cone.

After giving her advice about avoiding sugar, Jan still wants an ice cream cone.


After spending time advising her, Jan is not letting her go home early.

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  Answers : 1) C    2) C    3) C    4) A    5) D     6) C    7) C

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Comprehension 1


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