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Liberating the Shackles of the Heart

Life is often filled with disappointment, and the university experience is no exception. As we relentlessly pursue the warm beacon of our aspirations, the bitterness of failure can be as sharp as the edges of pebbles, causing ripples in the fragile river of our hearts. Despair, like ink spilled on rice paper, spreads uncontrollably, leaving us vulnerable and lost in sorrow. We find ourselves wandering in the confines of self-restraint. At such times, we need the warmth of sunlight to wash away our eyes' desolation, allowing our weary souls to be bathed in the divine light. Within the vastness and grandeur of the sunlight, all sadness and despair melt away. We must embrace the sunlight, breaking free from the constraints and fetters of our spirits, unleashing our dreams, and embracing the brilliance of life.

In this era of materialism, it is easy for people to lose their inherent innocence while chasing fame and fortune. As we rush forward in selfish indifference, it is essential to bask our souls in the sunlight. Living in a decaying world, our souls are at risk of corruption. When the pure streams of sunlight flow through our hearts, they cleanse us of the helplessness born from disillusionment and leave behind a sacred and pristine sanctuary in the depths of our souls. Kindness seeds take root, flourishing in our hearts, emanating their most resplendent fragrance.

Flowers bloom and wither, geese come and go; the years flow quietly, whether in brilliance or in mundanity, the wheels of time never cease. Yet, there are days meant for reminiscing, for recalling the days we have traversed, the people we have encountered, and the events we have experienced. Most importantly, it is about the state of our hearts. Looking back, one realizes that what people should strive for is not fame and status but a profound and magnanimous mentality. The greatness of the ocean lies in its capacity to embrace all rivers. The sunlight bestows upon us the virtues of magnanimity and benevolence. Regardless of how people may attack the sunlight with malicious words in the summer, it still provides warmth to those in need when winter arrives. Watching over the sunlight is also watching over that magnanimity and universal love.

The sunlight always emerges after the storm. I really like the lyrics that say, "Believe that there is a rainbow." When I listen to it, I often feel as though I am being illuminated by sunlight, so gentle and hopeful. The truth is, everyone experiences moments of despair and loss. When we feel lost and confused about our future, it is worth opening a window and bathing ourselves in the sunlight. Shedding our weariness, we allow the power of sunlight to flow through our hearts. We experience the vastness and generosity of sunlight, accepting the courage and strength it bestows upon us. Watching over the sunlight is also a reflection of self-confidence and optimism.

Watching over the sunlight allows our youth to radiate brilliance. Watching over the sunlight brings warmth and blossoming in every season.
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Embracing the sunlight becomes a liberating force for the human spirit, as it washes away the bitterness of failure and offers solace to the vulnerable heart. The sunlight's purity nurtures a deep and expansive mindset, fostering kindness and growth within. By watching over the sunlight, we discover resilience in the face of despair, finding the courage to embrace life's challenges and pursue our dreams. This unwavering commitment to the sunlight brings forth a radiant youthfulness and infuses every season with warmth and blossoming.

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