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A Journey Through the Lonely Forest

Loneliness, like a gray forest, engulfs her seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, immersing her in a profound solitude where she cannot find the inner light she craves.

Visuals—Her reflection in the mirror reveals eyes that resemble rippling pools of emptiness. Why is that? Loneliness, perhaps. Observing the smiling faces around her, she becomes perplexed. Outwardly, she appears joyful, but in the stillness of the night, she savors her solitude alone, concealing it well. Friends come and go like wisps of mist, always close yet ungraspable. Gazing at the celestial expanse in the dark night, she realizes its beauty. Even in darkness, patches of light can emerge. Autumn arrives, and sparsely scattered leaves gently descend, adorned with a touch of melancholy. She thinks one of those yellowed leaves guards her. And so, she begins to struggle, seeking escape from her loneliness.

Listening—In the forest, a bird sings a solo, like her own song unheard by anyone. Tree leaves rustle and mingle with distant sirens, providing her with the first taste of reality, a cheap beauty. Loneliness, at times, can be beautiful, devoid of extravagance and clamor. Yet behind this beauty lies a hint of sadness. Is sadness beautiful? She does not know, perhaps it is. Walking on the streets, listening to the incessant honking of cars, she realizes this is the city, a place without quiet corners. The outside noise reveals her inner solitude, and she longs to escape. Failing an exam, enduring endless reproaches from her parents, she feels powerless. What kind of world is this? In her fantasies, she yearns for gentle encouragement, but she knows it will never materialize. When will a sturdy boat appear, strong enough to carry her burdensome sorrows, allowing her to depart from this gray forest?

Touch—What does it feel like to run her fingers through her soft, lustrous hair? Gentle, yet dry. Is it frustration or loneliness? She doesn't know, perhaps both. Nothing worth reminiscing has ever happened to her, leaving her devoid of a sense of true existence. This reminds her of Chang'e on the moon, possessing timeless beauty, yet confined to the Guanghan Palace forever. Without the desired environment, her own beauty seems useless, much like herself—having many strengths, but living in loneliness and solitude, oppressed by her surroundings.

Reflection—Life is an untrodden path, and beauty is transient. It is better to strive and fight. She grows weary; loneliness is a bewitching and cruel demon. She has made a decision—she will bravely overcome this beautiful yet cruel demon.

As time passes, when she gazes at the sky, the emptiness of the past is long gone. Because bravery has bestowed upon her a pair of wings to soar beyond that lonely forest.
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The protagonist is engulfed in a pervasive loneliness that consumes her seasons and leaves her unable to find inner solace. Despite appearing happy on the surface, she feels the weight of solitude when alone, concealing her emotions from others. As she contemplates her reflection and listens to the world around her, she finds moments of beauty intertwined with her loneliness. Determined to escape this cruel and enchanting loneliness, she embraces courage as her weapon. Over time, she gains wings to transcend the desolate forest, leaving behind the emptiness and finding a newfound sense of purpose and freedom.

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